Your Career & Vocational Coach
Award- Winning "Return to Work" Specialists (310) 439- 8838
Certified Educational Consultant & Career Coach -- A State of California Appointed Provider
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Benefits of the SJDB Voucher
Its hard to believe that a simple piece of paper can change a person's life in such large perportions, but the options today are limitless for any worker. We are able to access additional benefits depending on where you want to go and what you want to do.
Most workers do not realize all the benefits they will receive from this voucher. Here are some of the more immediate ones that a work can obtain ---
Initial Evaluation
Career Assessment & Development
Small Classes
One-on-one Training
Bilingual Classes and Tests
GED Prep and Tesing
Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Saturday Classes
Home Study Courses
Access to Cerificates, AA, BA, MA, and PhD programs
Scholarship Programs over and above the voucher
Job Placement Assistance, both private and public
OUT-OF-STATE accessibiity ( for vouchers prior to 1-1-2013 only)
State wide availability to all schools
School and Curriculum Matching
$500.00 in cash to pay for tests or fees
$1000 for a compuuter with additional software program