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About Us


Located on the Westside Coast of Los Angeles, Golden State Consultants, has been assisting students since 2003.  The company  is comprised of several highly skilled and professionally trained individuals in both college and career counseling as well as participate in state appointed programs.  


When working with mature workers,  sometimes, a worker is in the right type of work but needs to find new avenues to perform in.  Sometimes it requires some retraing or exploring new options.


We can guide your client and assist them in  choosing a trade school, college, or other program that is a good personal match for them: one that will foster their academic, emotional and social growth; as well as provide for their physical limitations with individual attention, firsthand knowledge of hundreds of educational opportunities, and the time to explore all of the options.  ​​



Our goal is to effectively assist workers prepare for the rigorous challenge of the 21st Century Jobs and life skills while developing their individual  strategies as well as  upholding the highest ethical standards within the  professional standards, as well as get you they type of work and salary you are looking for.



 We offer uniquely crafted programs that range from as little as 1 hour up to several months of "hands on" assessment and one-on-one counseling

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