Your Career & Vocational Coach

Award- Winning "Return to Work" Specialists (310) 439- 8838

Certified Educational Consultant & Career Coach -- A State of California Appointed Provider
Se Hablamos Español Serving all of California

Not every student goes directly to college following high school. Some may face financial burdens that make it necessary for them to move immediately into the workforce.
Others may feel unprepared for the demands of college, or may simply be undecided as to what they would study should they decide to pursue their higher education.
Today, more and more adults are headed back to school. It may be their first step along the path to higher education, or it may be a long delayed return to an interrupted college or vocational career.
does NOT mean
For Mature Students
The idea of returning to school can be scary. Are you a parent who needs a new job to stay home with your children and thinking about going back to school? Are you an injured worker who can not return to their prior job? Are you a student who dropped out of High School and in need of figuring out how to get back in the game?
The world we live in has changed dramatically in the past few years, and soon approximately 41% of all jobs will require a Bachelor's Degree. Based on the 2010 census, only 18% of American has a Bachelor's Degree.
The days of the traditional classroom are gone and have now been replaced with technology.Many adults don't have resumes; and if they do, they need to bring it into the 21st century. Some have LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profiles. For that reason, the classroom for older adults is also more accessible.
While the economy has shown a lot of signs of improvement, plenty of people still appear to be underwhelmed or confused by their career choices and wish they were doing something different with their lives.
It is estimated that in the next 5-10 years, 41% of all jobs will require a Bachelor's Degree. Only 18% of all Americans hold such a degree or higher.
Weather you are Returning To Work After A Work Related Injury or you are just Reinventing Your Career @ 40+ we can help you define who you are today and assist you in getting any new and additional training you might require.
So if you're looking to reinvent your career, let us help you as you embark on your journey.