With over 25 calls in the past week for career coaches, Golden State ETV realizes the demand for their services goes far beyond helping...
Golden State ETV Consultants Named Be A Featured Speaker At National Educational Conference
It is with great pleasure that we announce to you that the CEO of Golden State Consultants wil be a feauured speaker at a 2015 National...
Just When You Think You Have Heard It All.....
Just when you think you have heard it all, a case comes along that makes you stop and think. While I usually do have an opionion, I...
California's Community Colleges Award Bachelor Programs to 15 Campuses
Today, the community college board announced their decision. The list of the 15 colleges out of the 34 that applied to award Bachelor...
Today, Gov. Jerry Brown released his 2015-16 budget proposal. Read the full summary of the Governor’s Budget Proposal., and education is...
President Obama Wants To Make Community College Free
With every high school graduating class seeing about 1/3 of their class not graduating, President Obama's idea of having students attend...
15 Community Colleges To Start Issuing Bachelor Degrees in California
Paving the way for one of the largest community college systems in the United States to offer four-year degrees, on Sept. 28 California...
Golden Gate ETV Consultants Appointed As State SJDB Vendors
On November 24, 1914, both The College Admissions Consultant and Golden State ETV Consultants were appointed by the State of California...
It's A Victory For Both Interpreters & Workers Alike
In Octover, 2014 Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1376. The emergency legislation sponsored by VIAW will allow thousands of Californians...
The Power Of The Workers' Compensation Voucher
Offen we are contacted by the media, as they want to learn more about how to help their readers. This past summer we were featured in 4...