Your Career & Vocational Coach

Award- Winning "Return to Work" Specialists (310) 439- 8838

Certified Educational Consultant & Career Coach -- A State of California Appointed Provider
Se Hablamos Español Serving all of California

On average, adults with a high school and a certficate in their field of study can earn 20% more per year (or more) than those who didn’t finish high school? . A GED and required certificates can give you the chance to close that gap and provide for your family.
Do you need help writing a resume?
Thousands of you are in jobs you do not like, but you don't know how to change either the job, or the activities you do within the job. It usually comes down to education, skills, and knowledge and that is where your resume comes into play.
Every day we receive anywhere from 50-200 requests for help on how to write a resume, but getting a job is not base solely on your resume, yet it is your most important tool as it introduces to a college, university or employer exactly who your are, and they all want to see one.
Your job is to answer the following questions
What things does an employer want to see?
How will they see the skills I have? or
How I can better their company?
The job market and work place is changing. resume is a very important tool when applying for a job. Jobs today that did not require much to get now require a certificate or diploma. many now require a new set of skills and this is making it difficult for workers to find work.
If you need help in creating a resume that defines who you are.... If you need help on how to interview for a job of your dreams, or how to get the additional training that is now going to be required, contact us!
Many will tell you the voucher is useless or it has no cash value. This is not true.
The SJDB voucher will allow you $500. to help you with incidentals. You will be given $1000 to buy a new computer of your liking, and you will have funds to get a certificate, diploma, or other necessary documentation so you can get a better paying job.