15 Community Colleges To Start Issuing Bachelor Degrees in California
Paving the way for one of the largest community college systems in the United States to offer four-year degrees, on Sept. 28 California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill that will create a pilot program for 15 community colleges across the state to fill a growing workforce demand for college-educated, skilled workers in fields such as health, science and technology.
“This is one of the most ambitious goals undertaken in the history of California’s community colleges,” says California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice Harris. “This is a very exciting time for our students.”
The law will allow some of the state’s community colleges to offer bachelor degrees in fields not offered by the University of California and California State University systems, according to the bill.
Which collees this will be is still in the air as each college will have to apply for this opportunity. Its goal is to take pressure off the overcrowded CSU and UC campuses.
We are very excited to see that students who want to go into the trades such as nursing, cosmotology, the culinary arts, home exonomics, automotive repair, will have a chance to now stand out a little more.
If a student is looking for a program, talking to Golden State ETV Consultants is recommended as they can help you streamline your program and assist injured workers in completing their career goals. Golden Gate ETV Consultants can be reached at (310) 439-8388 or www.goldenstateetvconsultants.com