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Golden State ETV Consultants Named Be A Featured Speaker At National Educational Conference

It is with great pleasure that we announce to you that the CEO of Golden State Consultants wil be a feauured speaker at a 2015 National Educational Convention in Cincinnati. "We hope to inspire many educators, colleges, and others with what we see as the future of education, from not only k-12 but through the college years and beyond, and how it will touch millions." said their CEO, Patty Finer

It is with great honor and distinct pleasure that we have been selected admist so many who have so much talent to offer our youth and mature students. We hope to make our presentation and we hope to inspire many. The idea that we have to educate grades K-12 is only the beginning. In the next decade, we will have to retrain the workforce too. One of the reasons for California not bouncing back from the recession as fast as it should is because we are lacking in the re-education of our workers go back to work."

So many injured workers recieve their voucher in the mail and have no idea of what to do with it, nor do they realize these vouchers hold the key to their family's financial status improving.

Many injured workers need to retrain to go back to work is critical not to Los Angeles or the State of California, but to the nation. We hope that if employers, unions, law offices, insurance companies or anyone who is interested in how to get our economy up and running again is interested in learning more that you will contact us, as we hope to share this program with others within the California Workers' Compensaiton Arena.

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