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President Obama Wants To Make Community College Free

With every high school graduating class seeing about 1/3 of their class not graduating, President Obama's idea of having students attend community college for FREE sounds very generous, but will it help.

The SJDB voucher program in California is to help injured workers return to work. Insurance Companies are not real interested in making this benefit known, and their counter parts who represent injured workers feel they do not need to promote the program because their is NO CASH VALUE in it from their point of view.

Injured workers are at a loss, and it is this very program that is there to retrain the work force of the 21st Century. Almost every employee is going to have to return to the classroom to get some type of training to do what is going to be required in the 21st Century.

With 18% of Americans holding a Bachelor's Degree and the job market requiring that 41% of the jobs have a BA by 2025, not promoting the SJDB Voucher Program is almost a crime for and on employers.

In 2014, California Assembly Member Curt Hagman introduced AB1749 that proposed to examine the effectiveness of the vouchers. AB1749, as it was written, would require the administrative director to report to the state legislature, no later than January 1, 2016, on the results of the SJDB voucher program, namely “the extent to which injured workers who obtained specific education or training with vouchers … obtained employment related to that education or training.”

When Insuratlence Companies are doing their best not to promote the program and the attorneys who help the injured workers no little to nothing about the program, it leaves little to measure, and so many workers could benefit from this program that labor and management agreed on because they too see like President Obama and Governor Brown the needs for everyone to go to school.

My message to California workers is this. We have a 23% gap that has to be filled in the next 10 years with educated people. If you receive an SJDB Voucher in the mail, do n't let anyone tell $ou it has NO value. It is worth $6,000 that can change your life forever.

Golden State ETV Consultants can assist workers to get a GED. They can help you map out a community college or state school program. Your voucher is even good at the private non- profits.

If you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone. We are trained educational and workers' compensation professionals who can assist you in meeting your dreams and goals. Be the best you can be, and take advantage of the BEST beneift in your workers Compensation Claim, your right to get a good job and go back to work!

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